She took a firm stand on nuclear disarmament . 她在核裁军的问题上态度很坚决。
“ take a firm stand against putting expediency above principle ; bluff ahead of facts 坚持不让权宜之计取代原则,不让浮夸掩盖事实。
Take a firm stand against putting expediency above principle ; bluff ahead of facts 坚持不让权宜之计取代固有原则,不让浮夸掩盖事实。
I mastered the rising hysteria , lifted up my head , and took a firm stand on the stool 我控制住了正待发作的歇斯底里,抬起头来,坚定地站在凳子上。
After the new china being established , he did n ' t mention " judicial independence " again , but he took a firm stand on " independence of trial " 新中国成立后,他虽然不再提司法独立,但坚持了审判独立这一基本立场。
take a firm standとは意味:{1} : 断固{だんこ}とした態度{たいど}を取る、毅然{きぜん}たる態度{たいど}を取る、見解を明確にする、はっきりした立場を取る、強硬手段を取る、強腰に出る、断固阻止する、論陣を張る◆「firm=硬い、強行」の意味で。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {2} : ...take a firm stand meaning: Verb: take a firm stand Be emphatic or resolute and refuse to budge - insist Derived forms: taken a firm stand, took a firm stand, taking a firm stand, takes a firm stand take a firm stand artinya:teguh